May 1996. I had the idea that the internet the way we live and work, drastically would change. de wijze waarop we met elkaar leven en werken, drastisch zou wijzigen. And that change, that's what I wanted to be. As close as possible. So I founded my my first internet agency, together with two partners.
Now, twenty years later, a lot has changed indeed. Everything has become digital or at least has become digitally enriched.
Markets are nowadays more transparent and your competitor is only one click away. Old money-related status symbols have been replaced by new ones, such as experiences, authenticity and sustainable lifestyles.
More than ever it's important to know your target audience well and to add value as a brand and organization.
How could you assist your customers? How could you make their work and life just a little bit easier, better or more interesting?
At Bureau Berg we did even created a slogan for this: "People love better brands." Or how thinking out of the perspective of your target group, results in a successful brand experience.
Your job is to endear your brand in the digital world so that sales and customer numbers rise.
Our task is to help you. By creating a strategic brand experience together. And by the creation of websites, apps and video animations that gives your target group that beautiful and universal feeling that you truly understand them.
May 2016 | Jacco van den Berg | Creative Strategist - Bureau Berg
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